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Glass Buildings

Corporate Wellness

Having a well-rounded wellness program that focuses on all aspects of your employees’ well-being incorporated into the workplace is a great opportunity to help your employees stay healthy, while reducing your costs. 


At times, it may be challenging for your employees to be able to keep a consistent focus on on their work amidst pre-existing health conditions, unhealthy habits, long days of sitting in front of a computer, time crunches, peer to peer issues, absenteeism, and remote working.


That's why it greatly benefits companies to take a responsibility to provide the proper time and training needed to help their employees be the most healthy, happy and productive people possible.


Employees are the glue and fiber that hold the workplace together, and the most creativity and productivity comes from the human brain when its in a relaxed and healthy state.  People also need to have enough energy and a clear focus to get the job done as efficiently as possible.


I look forward to helping you create the best internal health and work environment for you and your employees!

Get Your Company Evaluation Today!

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Does your workplace have a wellness program?


Whether you are a corporation, nonprofit entity, large or small company, school, hospital, or community service organization, a wellness program is the best gift you can give to your staff. 


Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness training has, for centuries, proven to be effective for helping people learn tools to manage their stress, gain control of their physical, emotional and mental health, and relieve unwanted symptoms from pain and illness that have accumulated in the body over time.

Overall benefits of Incorporating a wellness program into your workplace:

  • Lower the Cost of Healthcare

  • Overall Employee Physical, Emotional and Mental Well-Being

  • Increased Employee Attendance

  • Increased Employee Mental Clarity, Energy

  • Enhanced Productivity & Engagement

  • Feeling "Being Taken Cared Of"

  • Team Building: Creating "One Mind" mindset, Boosted Morale

  • Enhanced Company Culture

  • Responsible Leadership 

  • Enhanced Self-Care

  • Enhanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Symptoms of Stress that can be relieved through mindfulness training:


  • Headaches

  • Stiff Neck, Shoulders and Joints 

  • Back Pain

  • Digestive Issues or Feeling Bloated; Constipation

  • Cold Hands and Feet (due to circulation issues)

  • Depression or Anxiety

  • Poor Concentration

  • Sleeping Issues/Fatigue

  • Social Anxiety

  • Time Management Issues

  • Procrastination

  • Negativity/Pessimism

Research on Wellness Programs​

A study performed by Johnson and Johnson indicated that wellness programs saved organizations an estimated $250 million on health care costs between 2002 and 2008.


Workplace wellness interventions performed on high-risk cardiovascular disease employees indicated that at the end of a six-month trial, 57% were reduced to a low-risk status. These individuals received not only cardiac rehabilitation health education but exercise training as well.


Further, studies performed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and J&J have revealed that organizations that incorporated exercise components into their wellness programs not only decreased healthcare costs by 30% but improved lost work days by 80% .


Leadership involvement in wellness programs can additionally impact employee health outcomes just as well as the programs themselves. A study performed by David Chenoweth indicated the managers who were passionate and committed about their wellness programs increased employee engagement by 60%, even if their wellness goals were not achieved.


Leaders are not only tasked with creating the organizational culture but also in coaching and motivating employees to be engaged in that culture.

Lastly, presentee-ism — or the act of being on the job, but not fully functional due to illness, or other medical conditions such as seasonal allergies, asthma, headaches, depression, back pain, arthritis, and gastrointestinal disorders — can cut individual productivity by one-third or more.


By some estimates, presentee-ism costs U.S. companies over $150 billion a year, much more than absenteeism does. Yet it’s harder to identify: you know when someone doesn’t show up for work, but you often can’t tell when, or how much, poor health hurts job performance.  The fact is, when people don’t feel good, they simply don’t perform at their best. Researchers have discovered that presentee-ism related declines in productivity sometimes can be more than offset by relatively small investments in screening, treatment, and education. 



Yoga Pose
Mindfulness Training

Yoga, Tai Chi,
Intention &
Law of Attraction

During a 1 hour mindfulness session you will experience a combination of deep stretching from head to toe, Tai Chi, and qigong, matched with mindful breathing, plus centering and energy circulation exercises.  Then into deep and relaxed breathing postures from the ancient SunDo training of South Korea, and ending with a guided meditation activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

Strengthening the body and energy center through Ki-energy training naturally creates a stronger and healthier energy field for the participant. This activates and intensifies the innate "Law of Attraction" power where what the brain desires happens in reality.

This training can be done in person or online. Multiple sessions are recommended over a period of time.


Healing Massage
& Energy Healing

Imagine a hands-on massage with deep relaxation, using selective touch to open various acupressure/acupuncture points  that correlate to the 12 major organs (stomach, liver, lungs, etc) to relieve pain and improve circulation in major joints, tissues, muscles and bone structures.


Coupled with energy healing (hands on or hands off) that delivers the purest form of healing energy, penetrating into to the deepest parts of the body to unblock stagnant energy and release toxins.

These sessions can be done in 15 min, 30 min, 45 min or 1 hour time slots. They can be done as "chair massage" style: shoulders, neck and back, or the whole body can be worked on with a massage table.

Multiple sessions are recommended over a period of time depending on your

employees' condition.

Sound Healing

Himalayan Singing Bowl Immersive Sound Healing

Nicole offers 2 or 7 bowl therapies. Her handmade bowls from Nepal are made from 7 core metals, each with a unique sound resonance of the 7 notes on a scale - A, B, C, D, E, F, G - which correspond to each of the 7 chakras.  The bowls create  myriad combinations of notes, tones and harmonies, as well as binaural beats when played, which are infinitely soothing to the brain, nervous system and internal organs. 


The sound of the bowl itself promotes mental relaxation / peace of mind, and when placed on the body offers a strong and deep vibration inside the internal organs, tissues and muscles releasing toxins from inside the cells. The vibration combined with energy healing provides the nervous system with necessary calming, bringing your parasympathetic nervous system back to its original 'rest and digest' state. 

Multiple sessions are recommended over a period of time depending on your

internal condition.

Indoor Plants
Space Purification

Feng Shui Space Clearing
through Sound Healing

Just like the energy and chakra system of the human body, the home develops stagnant and "ghosty" energy over time. Through human beings' negative emotions and inner turmoil, the spaces we live in can become blocked with energies we hold inside. This can be from past tenants with traumatic events that occurred there even hundreds of years ago, from your ancestors karmic energy field, or it can be your own current internal and external energetic phenomena.

Through space clearing sound healing, with connection to the divine energy source, sincere communication with ancestors and past tenant spirits, as well as your clear intention for the use of the space, the energy can be purified and corrected to its natural peaceful and harmonious state.

This session includes a 30 min consultation in the space.


Multiple sessions are recommended over a period of time depending on the condition of the space.

Calm Woman
Lifestyle Coaching

Life Coaching,
Holistic Health Coaching, Nutrition Education

Our lives have many aspects and components that need managing, but sometimes life overwhelms or runs away from us. This means we have lost our center, or closed our mind to the possibilities that already exist, laid out unconsciously and invisibly for us by the Universe. 

From the healer's personal experience overcoming life's great obstacles and taking a strong hold from the root of the issue, you will be guided how to become aware, accept, and focus on taking small actions to create new habits to ultimately create the life you've always dreamed of.

Through a combination of mindfulness training, energy, chakra and sound healing and other important modalities like nutrition education, dance, art, song and affirmation, you will experience a great Soul rejuvenation and feel the huge blessing and gift of Life itself that you contain inside of you.

This training can be done in person or online.

Eastern Healing Education

Intro to Eastern
Holistic Healing,
Meridians &
the Chi (Ki) Energy System

With over 10 years experience of classroom and practical learning, internal sensation, and personal healing of physical, emotional and mental pain and suffering through eastern holistic healing, Nicole will guide you to get to know and understand your body through the systems of Ki-energy flow through the 7 chakras, 12 organ-energy channels and 361 acupressure points in/on the body.

Once this system is accessed, understood and felt, any symptom of any ailment can be significantly relieved and transformed by your own awareness and care.

Western medicine heavily relies on the outside expert, medication or therapy, but Eastern medicine sees the living self as a microcosm of the macrocosmic Universe, allowing all living things to naturally be able to heal and adapt themselves to the given situation and circumstance.

With your 100% belief and trust in yourself, anything is therefore possible.

This training can be done privately or in a group, in person or online.


If you are looking for a corporate wellness program in your workplace, please contact me!

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